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Do you understand the advantages of stainless steel filter elements?

Views:659     Author:admin     Publish Time: 2019-10-23      Origin:Site

Do you know the advantages of stainless steel filter element? Next small make up for you to briefly introduce.

Stainless steel filter core material can be roughly divided into: paper, chemical fiber, PP filter core, wire gap, metal mesh, metal powder sintering, activated carbon, etc. Due to the unique nature of stainless steel filter elements, most stainless steel filter elements made of metal are made of stainless steel. Mainly made of 304 and 316L stainless steel, the production of various excellent performance, quality of stainless steel filter element.

Stainless steel filter element

Stainless steel filter element has ***, high strength, high temperature resistance, high filtration precision, easy regeneration and other excellent performance. It has excellent mechanical properties, can be cut, welding and other processing, compressive strength, internal pressure damage strength up to more than 2MPa; The working temperature in the air can reach -50 ~ 900℃; It is suitable for the filtration of corrosive medium such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, hydroxide, sea water, royal water, iron, copper, sodium, etc. The filter element is formed by powder and high-temperature sintering to form a stable shape, so the particle surface is not easy to fall off, the structural element of the filter itself is not easy to change, and the influence of alternating load, its filtration accuracy is easy to ***, even under high temperature and high pressure, aperture deformation will not occur. Its permeability and separation effect are stable, porosity can reach 10-45%, pore size distribution is uniform, pollution amount is large, regeneration method is simple and can be used repeatedly.

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